Animal Sanctuaries

Here are a few of the animal sanctuaries in Japan. Animal sanctuaries do not seem to be a well-known concept in Japan and a few have started very recently. They are dependent on donations and support from the community.  Here we’ve listed known animal sanctuaries as well as some ways to support them. Note they may not be vegan.

AnimO Animal Sanctuary (English) A sanctuary in Chiba with more than 60 animals as of the end of 2020. Social media is run bilingually. You can support the sanctuary via Patreon (English).

Honey’s Farm Sanctuary – Instagram A farm sanctuary in Okayama, started in 2008. Accepts donations via PayPal (English) and has an Amazon wishlist (some English provided). Sells LINE stamps and its own branded goods to raise money to keep the sanctuary running. You can also view the goods for sale on their other Instagram account (Japanese).

Moo Mow Garden – A farm sanctuary for the cow survivors of the Fukushima disaster. Check the Support page to see how you can help.

Open Sesame – This farm animal sanctuary in Kumamoto, formerly a horse rescue, was formed in 2018 and houses horses, a pig and chickens. Check the Support/Donate page to see how you can help.