Vegan-Friendly Doctors

Some people report a lack of understanding of veganism from their doctor in Japan. Below is a list of doctors that are reported to have experience with vegans or to be understanding of a plant-based diet. Some are vegan themselves.

Dr. Mika WashioShinbashi, TokyoGeneral MedicineInternational Health Care Clinic (English)
Check Healthy Tokyo’s writeup (English)
Dr. Takeshi FujiyoshiKumamotoProctology and colorectalFujiyoshi Clinic
Hachidory lists him as vegan.
Dr. Takafumi TsurumiTokyoPreventive healthcare, alternative medicineTsurumi Clinic (English)
The clinic’s website recommends veganism. 
Dr. FukamoriAkashi, HyogoOphthalmologyFukamori Ganka
Reported to be vegan. 
Dr. Thomas Lomax MB BSMinato, TokyoGeneral MedicineTokyo Medical and Surgical Clinic (English)
Reported to be understanding of veganism.